Welcome Mountain Cove Homeowner

The Mountain Cove Homeowners Board has created this blog to have another avenue of communication with the residents of Mountain Cove subdivison. We are going to make some major decisions that will affect our community in the near future and we want to make sure we reach all of you so you can give us your input on those decisions. Please subscribe to this blog so you don't miss important information regarding those issues and a chance to affect the outcome.
Enid Grigg
President - MCHOA

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dues payment this year

If you have not already paid your dues and intend to please let me know about it so I can figure that into the equation ASAP. Even if the poll suggests most of you want the pool to stay open ( as it does now) if we don't have enough of a financial commitment from enough residents we can't keep it open. Unfortunately the few that do pay are controlled by the mass that don't. We need at least 80 members to pay $200 to make our budget...right now we are sitting at 40. Its not realistic to expect 1/4 of the subdivision to pay the expenses for the other 3/4. Would you accept that in your family or work situation....

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